It’s been awhile since I posted here. I took the summer off. Now that I’m back, I’m struggling to figure out how to finish (?) this project. I want to create something with all the work that I’ve done without having to devote too much time to it.
My first step: to finish my mini-project about my mom’s memory book and the summer of 2002. I’m starting here because it’s a relatively small project and because September 30th is the 5th anniversary of my mom’s death and I want to spend some time remembering and mourning her this month.
Right now, I’m revisiting her photo book, finding footage, gathering other materials, and trying to conjure up memories from that special summer when my mom was still alive and we were together. As I began writing this last sentence, I realized that when I think about my mom now, almost 5 years after her death, I almost always think about that magical summer. Our relationship was more than the hiking and talking and eating/drinking that we did that summer, but I think I miss that time the most. Perhaps it also stays with me because I have so many photos + video footage from it?
In her photo book, my mom divides up the month into our visits to different locations around the UP: Bewabic State Park, George Young Recreation Area, Mishagamee Reservoir, Ottawa Forest and Hunter’s Point in the Keeneewaw Peninsula. As a starting point, here’s a map of Bewabic State Park: