Analysis: Reframing Mexico

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I found this “online documentary project” a year ago and was immediately impressed with many of its features and its focus:


As I began working on my analysis for this site, I realized that one important part of my assessment was not mentioned in my first interactive doc. analysis on Snow Fall: interactivity. What are the different ways that the audience can interact/participate in the project? So, I’ve added it to my analysis below.

Design Elements

  • home page offers (almost) full-screen slideshow that starts on an introductory video, then cycles through featured stories (image which, when clicked, starts a Vimeo video + summary + related material)
  • embedded Vimeo videos
  • 12 key organizing terms/clickable links at top of homepage
  • navigation bar includes icons for home, films, info graphics + EN (english) and ES (spanish) + an info icon (credits)
  • bottom right corner provides links for comments (Facebook social plugin) + icon links to the 2 universities that collaborated on project
  • site pages (accessible through clicking on one of 12 terms at top) are grids (one big rectangle + series of smaller rectangles) with video or info graphics
  • each content box uses icon to identify type of content
  • on info graphic page, content boxes light up when you mouse over them + they open light box when you click on them. Info graphics include one page graphs/charts/info, games or multi-page content




  • Series of individual stories about different people living in Mexico, told in their own words (short videos)
  • A mix of stories, combined with history, demographic information and games
  • Features on goth culture, Mexican wrestling, running a family quesadilla stand, fighting against disability discrimination, etc.


  • Non-linear, no beginning, middle, end
  • Multiple ways of accessing and engaging with information
  • Multiple perspectives and interpretations of content (videos are re-used to highlight different key terms)
  • Focus on subjects communicating stories in their own words
  • Emphasis on visuals


  • comment, using facebook social app
  • play games
  • click on links/stories you want to and when you want to (direct order/shape of the stories)
  • share site with others (using “share this”)


  • nice use of grid design and Vimeo video embeds
  • strong organization, with clear ways to navigate and understand content + multiple ways to access information
  • clear and compelling mission: to allow user to rethink how they understand Mexico and reframe how it’s represented
  • great introductory video: brief (only 47 seconds), compelling, uses footage from various digital stories


  • not responsive
  • not enough interactivity, participation by user
  • feels too much like a standard website
  • too many themes (12) w/relatively small amount of content repeated in different theme

Things to Use?

  • icons identifying type of content in  boxes
  • grid design?
  • clear/compelling organization with themes (but fewer)
  • separate pages (easily accessible) for each type of content
  • short video introduction
  • homepage slideshow?

While scrolling through this site, I clicked on the Multimedia Gallery for the UNC School of Journalism and found this cool online documentary: Finding the Uwharries.