On Saturday, I came up with an idea for a new social media story project: Mo and Ro take a bike ride. I’m Mo (Mom) and my 9 year old daughter is Ro (Rosie). We have big plans to ride our bikes all around Minneapolis this summer. To encourage us to do so (and to commemorate the process), why not take selfies at each destination (here’s the first one) we reach?

I’m excited about this story experiment. Last school year I did a story project with Rosie, Moments with Rosie, but that was not that much of a collaborative project. She performed; I shot and posted the video. I’m hoping this time around, Rosie can be more of an active participant in the crafting and documenting of our stories. She’s taking the selfies. And, I’m hoping she can help me design a site for archiving and sharing our adventures. I’m also hoping that she will help me write stories and/or create maps, tracking our travels.
Note: I also took a really brief bit of footage of her at the Lake. Here it is, (only) slightly edited: