Writing with Ro

After hiking in the gorge with Delia (our dog), Rosie and I had a lot of bug bites. We decided to create some counter-spell poetry, to ward off the itching. Here are a few lines:

Bugs, bugs go away
I don’t like you anyway
You’ll never live to see the day
when I stand up here and say:
Bugs! Bugs! They’re Okay!

Bugs, bugs they’re everywhere!
Even in my underwear!
I think I feel them in my hair!
eww so gross, I’m in despair!

Bugs, bugs go away
I know how, I’ll get some spray
spray you once, spray you twice
I don’t care, I’m not that nice.

Happy summer days
turn to
crappy bummer days
as you can see
I’ve been stung by a bee!

As the weather starts to warm
all the bugs begin to swarm
they like to dive, then they hover
in no time, your skin is covered.


As the weather starts to warm
all the bugs begin to swarm
as their bites begin to cover
all your skin, it’s time for a glove or
something else to block out the pest
something that will put the itch to rest!