Undisciplined Stories

As of November 2015, I’m working on a new book project: the second volume in my Undisciplined accounts, also known as the Undisciplined Dossier. The process of crafting this book requires a lot of thinking, writing and researching. I’m archiving that process here.

Process Blogging

(Role) Models

Not Quit Lit


Syllabus as Contract
Hashtag/public Syllabi
Syllabus Parts: Office Hours
Syllabus Parts: Trigger Warnings
Syllabus Parts: Class Rules
Fun with the Syllabus
Sample Syllabi

Teaching Portfolio/Evidence of Teaching Excellence

Academic Dossier

Lists and Manifestos

My Lists


Note-taking and making


Self-Writing and Hupomnemata
Resource Guides

To Think About…

Undisciplined’s Online Archive

Feminist Pedagogy

Social Media
Questions and Curiosity
On Engaging

Beside/s: Critical and Creative

Un/disciplined and Self-Control